
School of Voice Production


The diaphragm


The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the cavities of the thorax and abdomen. It is attached to the ribs along it's lower edges by muscular fibres which arch upwards to form the central tendon of the diaphragm.




At the moment of inspiration this partition descends causing a vacum which results in air being drawn into the lungs.



Fig. 2


Being dome-shaped; when the diaphragm descends it has the effect of squashing the abdominal contents and thereby increasing intra abdominal pressure. Many misconceptions exist about deep breathing. You will often hear "chest out...belly in..."; and most untrained orators will draw their stomach in when taking a deep breath. If the abdominal muscles are contracted during inspiration they will have the effect of squashing the abdominal contents, which is antagonistic to the diaphragm. Therefor as the diaphragm is lowered during inspiration, the abdominal wall must be distended contemporaneously.




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